ERP is the acronym of Enterprise Resource Planning. ERP utilizes ERP software applications to improve the performance of organizations’ resource planning, management control and operational control. ERP software is multi-module application software that integrates activities across functional departments, from product planning, parts purchasing, inventory control, product distribution, to order tracking. ERP software may include application modules for the Finance, Accounting, and Human Resources aspects of a business.
The ultimate goal of an ERP system is to improve and streamline internal business processes, which typically requires reengineering of current business processes.
Our software is useful for:
• Business processes automation and integration
• Increase the chances for decision-making
• Increase in the efficiency of the operations and also return from the operations
• Accessing and producing information in a real time environment
We developed a manual system for Cost Accounting. Upgrading the manual system to a web based application will increase the performance in terms of online reporting and easy upgrade option. This Cost Accounting software is simple for dynamic approach to determine cost by assigning them to principle activities performed within an organization.
Administration and security:
These are used in the Security System, in the maintenance of user type, user login, activity log and module, user activity report analysis and set up rights for user page.
Masters Maintenance:
This section is useful in the maintenance of templates and in the maintenance of all masters.
Sales: It deals with export of cloth or fabric system, export of made-up system, domestic cloth/fabric system and domestic made-up system.
It involves production plan, indent and working status.
This module is helpful for yarn requisition, warping, job work, hard waste, sizing, looming, issue to warehouse and chemical consumption.
It deals with major functionalities such as grey receipt, fabric processing, yarn dying, and quotation, dying recipe approval, chemical consumption and work in progress.
It is involved in processes like material receipt, cut plan, production and warehouse.
This section is involved in the processes such as grey, yarn, fabric, trims and accessories.
These have functionalities for yarn, grey and fabric warehousing, trims and accessories.
Major functionalities such as weaving, processing and made ups are involved in this process.
Testing & QA:
Integration testing and unit testing form the major functional areas.
Implementation training:
Configuration and deployment of application, training to the IT in charge and beta testing are the major functional areas of this module.